Ícones sociais

14 de jul. de 2012

Novidades da War

Eae galera Shuriken aque novamente, vim mostrar as novidades dos shops da War, confira.

Weapons_Table.pngSalvation Blade of Nulgath acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngBone Blades of Dilligaf acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngOverLord Blade of Dilligaf membersmall.png50,000 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngFrostScythe of Nulgath acsmall.png300 AC
Weapons_Table.pngHeavenly Spear of Nulgath acsmall.png300 AC
Armor_Table.pngDeathFiend of Nulgath acsmall.png2,000 AC
Armor_Table.pngRedemption of Nulgath acsmall.png500 AC
Armor_Table.pngVoid of Revontheus acsmall.png400 AC
Helmet_table.pngDeathFiend Hood acsmall.png100 AC
Helmet_table.pngHood of Shadows acsmall.png100 AC
Cloak_Table.pngCloak of Celestials acsmall.png100 AC
Cloak_Table.pngSheathed Katana acsmall.png75 AC

Nulgath Diamonds Shop -
Weapons_Table.pngDeathFiend Blade of Nulgathx20 Diamond of Nulgath
Weapons_Table.pngKatana of Revontheusx1 Essence of Blade Master, x25 Diamond of Nulgath
Armor_Table.pngFrost Void of Nulgathx50 Diamond of Nulgath
Armor_Table.pngVampire of Nulgathx1 Essence of Blade Master, x100 Diamond of Nulgath
Helmet_table.pngBlood Void Helmx1 Essence of Blade Master, x50 Diamond of Nulgath
Cloak_Table.pngWarp Packx1 Essence of Blade Master, x25 Diamond of Nulgath
O Essence of the Blade Master é um drop que dificilmente cai do boss Blade Master.
Nulgath War Merge Shop -
Weapons_Table.pngGiant Treetunk of Klunkx30 Klunk Favor Archfiend’s Favor
Weapons_Table.pngRedemption Blade of Nulgathx50 Archfiend’s Favor
Helmet_table.pngBarbarian Helm of Dilligaf membersmall.pngx25 Klunk Favor Archfiend’s Favor
Helmet_table.pngRedemption Helmx25 Klunk Favor Archfiend’s Favor
Cloak_Table.pngDeathFiend Cloakx15 Klunk Favor Archfiend’s Favor

Dage AC Rares Shop -
Weapons_Table.pngBladeMaster’s Sword acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngRagnarok acsmall.png300 AC
Weapons_Table.pngSanguine (Sword) acsmall.png300 AC
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry Axe acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngGlowing War Glaive acsmall.png0 200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry Kris membersmall.png50,000 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngBow of Concealment acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry Flail acsmall.png200 AC
Armor_Table.pngThe DracoPlate acsmall.png500 AC
Armor_Table.pngUndead Infantry acsmall.png400 AC
Helmet_table.pngThe DracoPlate Helm acsmall.png100 AC
Cloak_Table.pngUndead Infantry BattleCloak acsmall.png100 AC
Dage Legion War Shop -
Weapons_Table.pngBladeMaster’s Sword and Sheathx1 Essence of Klunk, x25 Legion Token
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry BoneSawx39 Legion Token
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry Macex21 Legion Token
Weapons_Table.pngThe Scythe of Lost Hopex50 Dage’s Favor
Armor_Table.pngMonster BladeMaster Armorx1 Essence of Klunk, x100 Legion Token
Armor_Table.pngSpecial Infantry Legionx70 Legion Token
Helmet_table.pngBladeMaster Helmx1 Essence of Klunk, x50 Legion Token
Cloak_Table.pngBladeMaster’s Side Swordsx1 Essence of Klunk, x25 Legion Token
Para conseguir o Essence of Klunk, derrote o boss Klunk.
Dage War Merge Shop -
Weapons_Table.pngUndead Infantry Swordx50 Dage’s Favor
Helmet_table.pngSpecial Infantry Legion Helm membersmall.pngx25 Dage’s Favor
Helmet_table.pngUndead Infantry Helmx25 Dage’s Favor
Cloak_Table.pngUndead Infantry Capex15 Dage’s Favor

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